Amazon Preorders Open for CINDERELLA'S INFERNO
The moment you've all... okay, fine, that I'VE been waiting for is here... paperback preorder links are starting to appear for CINDERELLA'S INFERNO!
The only available links as of writing this post are on Amazon (I've checked .com & .ca), but this no doubt means more links will be going up very soon. As they're available, I'll be adding them to the book page on this website, which you can find via the navigation bar. Currently, the only version up for preorder is the paperback, but it will also be available digitally (ebook, MOBI), so presumably those will go up sooner or later as well.
And YES, I will be running a preorder campaign for this book too, so just like last time, please keep your receipts / email confirmations for when that launches! It will likely be the first week of May, and I'll post about it everywhere -- here, social, and in my newsletter -- so you won't miss out.
In the meantime, here are those links! As always, thank you so much for your support. Preorders mean a LOT to authors, so please know that I'd take each and every one of you out for a hot beverage and a cookie if I could.

- Preorder paperback from (Canada)
- Preorder paperback from (USA)