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Chapter by Chapter Blog Tour!

It's almost here! My debut... and my blog tour. wink
Month9Books is running a blog tour for me through Chapter by Chapter, and it'll be ongoing for several weeks -- so if you're interested in reading through the myriad interviews, reviews from bloggers, and excerpts, keep coming back to the link below that will take you to the master list of tour stops.
In the meantime, I'll also be featuring specific links for blogs where I did interviews or guest posts, so stay tuned for those to be highlighted. I won't be posting specifically for the reviews, as I don't want the bloggers to feel awkward (idk, if I knew the author of a book I was reviewing would read the review, I'd feel a bit weird about being honest if I didn't care for the book), but please click through in the master list and read them! More perspectives will give you a better sense of whether Cinderella, Necromancer is the right read for you. 
Thanks again to Month9 and Chapter by Chapter... release day is almost here!