Friday Flash: "Blurry"
It came to her in bits and pieces – flashes
of clarity, followed by hours of mental static. Blurred images, stretched faces,
twisted ideas, and broken scenery… nothing coherent, everything random and
But when she sat and listened, it was as if
her senses became sharper, more focused.
A snippet of conversation here, a movement
there, an unexpected sound so beautiful it rang in her ears for hours
And as she sat, and as she listened, she
heard two women talking. Not about anything particularly interesting or
different – a tedious job, an absentee husband, a wayward child, a lost love –
but the words stirred something within her. Emotion?
No. Imagination.
And suddenly, the static started to clear.
Her antennae – inside, not out – sharpened the pictures she’d seen before. The
blurred images turned into definite objects, the stretched faces became people,
the broken scenery reflected places she’d visited, and the twisted ideas were
indeed still twisted… but they made sense now, in their own ways.
She saw how they slotted into those flashes
of clarity, and how each bit of blurry thought melted one into another.
And so, pen in hand, she pressed the tip to paper and began to write her novel.